Collection: Lobes

There’s no doubt that lobe piercings are the most popular piercings among both men and women. The lobe piercing tends to be an almost universally accepted body modification, so much so that we sometimes forget to mention it when it comes to body piercings.

Since it’s such a common piercing, we often forget that it still needs to be taken care of during aftercare. The lobe is a fairly easy area to heal, and sometimes this means that we get a little lazy when it comes to the earlobe.

Whether you’re getting your first lobe piercing or you’re opting for multiple lobe piercings, it’s a good idea to brush up on lobe healing practices. Here’s everything you need to know about the lobe piercing.


The lobe piercing is way low on the pain scale. In fact, in many cultures, it’s common to give children as young as 18 months a lobe piercing. You should feel a slight pressure as the needle goes through, but any pain you feel shouldn’t feel like more than a pinch.

The pain level will depend upon the expertise of the piercer. It’s common for lobe piercings to be pierced with a piercing gun, however, you should opt for a piercer who uses needles. Even in a lobe piercing, a piercing gun can cause trauma and spread bacteria.


The lobe piercing is relatively easy to heal, but this means that you will have to maintain self control to keep up aftercare practices throughout the entire healing process.

Conduct saline cleanses for the entire healing process. The outside of your lobe piercing will heal before the interior. This means that it will look healed before healing is complete. Make sure that you’re conducting saline cleanses throughout the entire healing process. If you think that your lobe piercing has healed, talk to your piercer before stopping aftercare practices or changing your jewelry.

NEVER rotate your jewelry. If you got your lobe pierced when you were younger, you were probably told to twist the jewelry once or twice a day. This has been found to actually cause more trauma to the healing piercing than good. Throughout healing, don’t even touch your jewelry. If you must touch your jewelry during cleaning, make sure that you wash your hands with antibacterial soap. If you can, opt for saline sprays that allow you to clean the jewelry without touching it. If you develop crusties around the piercing site that you want to clean, soak a cotton swab in saline solution and gently pat the crusties until they dissolve away on their own.

Don’t sleep on your jewelry. Putting pressure on your new piercing can cause issues like jewelry rejection (including pressure from headphones, hats, and anything you put near the piercing site). When you pierce your ears, a common issue is sleep. Many of us sleep on one side or the other, and when you’re trying to heal a piercing, this causes problems. Try to sleep on your back or stomach or switch sides as you sleep. You should also make sure that your pillows and sheets are cleaned daily.